Water Retention - Common Causes and Conditions


Did you know that the human body is made up of about 70% water? But, if your body is retaining excess water or fluid, it can result in uncomfortable symptoms or be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Fluid retention and bloating can be caused by a number of reasons. It has been found that 11% of the United States population reports frequent bloating, which can cause feelings of fatigue and swelling around the body.

Fortunately, there are all-natural remedies that have been shown to help reduce these uncomfortable feelings of fluid retention and allow those struggling to finally find some relief.

SwellNoMore contains a group of ingredients that are found in nature and shown to reduce the effects of water retention. These ingredients have all been backed by extensive research and are essential for managing water retention. Some of these ingredients include green tea leaf, parsley, dandelion, juniper berry, and ginger.


Why Does Water Retention Occur?

Water or fluid retention occurs when excess fluid builds up within the body. Since the majority of the body is made up of water, when its hydration level is not properly balanced, the body tends to hold onto that water. This can cause swelling in different areas of the body, particularly in the feet, ankles, hands, and legs. Other common signs of water retention may be fluctuations in weight and a slight indentation to the skin when pressure is applied.


Fluid retention is very common and may be caused by something as simple as standing for too long or flying on an airplane, but there are also more serious conditions that may lead to these abnormal hydration shifts. Hormonal factors, the cardiovascular system, the liver, and kidneys all play a role in water regulation within the body. If there is an issue with one of these organs, the body may not be able to rid itself of fluid as easily.


Common Causes & Who May Benefit From Natural Diuretics

Let’s take a further look at a few common causes of water retention, as well as some conditions in which individuals may benefit from an all-natural diuretic.

Flying in an airplane

You may have seen someone on a past flight wearing compression socks or other tight socks around their calves and ankles. This is because changes in cabin pressure, increased altitude, and sitting for a long period of time may cause your body to hold onto water.

Standing or sitting too long

Gravity keeps blood in your lower extremities. If you have a sedentary job and stay sitting for long periods of time, it is important to get up and move around every so often to keep blood circulating. When we move around, the muscles in our legs pump fluids back to the heart, so if that is not happening, water retention may occur.

Hormonal conditions

  • Menstruation: When women are getting closer to their menstrual cycle, estrogen levels increase. This increase in estrogen is a very common reason why women experience bloating as they approach their period. Birth control and hormone replacement therapy can cause bloating as well.


  • Thyroid: The thyroid gland releases hormones that play a role in managing fluid levels. Thus, individuals with certain thyroid conditions may experience water retention.


  • Cushing’s syndrome: This condition is caused by the adrenal glands producing too much of the steroid hormone, cortisol. Cortisol is a pro-inflammatory hormone that can cause swelling in the legs.

Sodium intake

Poor diet is a common cause of water retention. Excess levels of sodium and sugar cause the body to hold onto more water. The more sodium you consume, the more water your body needs in order to dilute it properly.


Unfortunately, water retention is a common side effect of many medications. Some of the more common medications include:

  • Blood pressure medications
  • Antidepressants
  • Chemotherapy drugs
  • Antidiabetic medications
  • Some birth control pills
  • Corticosteroids
  • OTC Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs


Worldwide obesity has tripled in recent years. Because of this, more and more people are struggling with uncomfortable water retention and swelling. Excess weight is a common reason for fluid retention. Being overweight or obese can affect the body’s circulatory system, as excess fat puts increased pressure on the veins.

Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is responsible for carrying lymph throughout the body. Lymph is fluid that contains infection-fighting white blood cells. As the lymphatic system delivers and reabsorbs the lymphatic fluid, it also helps the body to maintain fluid balance.


But, if there is a problem that prevents the lymphatic system from working properly, (i.e., cancer, infections, and blockages) fluid can start to build up around the tissues. This causes fluid retention and swelling in the abdomen, ankles, legs, and feet.

Infections and Allergies

When the immune system detects an unfamiliar invader, such as an allergen or bacteria, it will mount an attack. A side effect of this immune response is inflammation. When inflammation occurs, the body releases histamine. Histamine then causes gaps between the cells of the capillaries to widen so that white blood cells can reach the site of inflammation.


Unfortunately, this defensive process allows fluid to leak from the capillaries into surrounding tissues. This is why people who battle autoimmune diseases may experience water retention due to long-term inflammation.

Kidney Disease

The role of the kidneys is to filter blood and help maintain fluid levels in the body. The tubules of kidneys are responsible for filtering waste, fluids, and other substances. The bloodstream then reabsorbs anything the body can reuse and removes the waste in the urine. If the kidneys are not functioning properly, they cannot remove toxins and other waste material, including fluids and sodium. As a result, fluid will remain in the body.


As the performance of the kidneys gets worse, many people with kidney disease release less and less fluids. This results in edema and rising blood pressure levels.

Cardiovascular Conditions

A weak heart that can’t pump blood properly can cause the body to retain water. The pumping action of the heart helps maintain normal blood pressure within the blood vessels. When a person has a condition that affects the heart’s ability to pump normally, blood pressure will change. A common side effect of changes in blood pressure is fluid retention.

Why Choose a Natural Supplement vs. Prescription Drugs

Choosing an all-natural approach helps avoid the inconvenience, high costs, and harsh side effects of prescription drugs. SwellNoMore was the first and only natural pill to safely and effectively reduce puffiness, bloating, and swelling. You can put your mind at ease knowing that SwellNoMore’s unique formulation comprises the finest premium domestic and international ingredients. Always make sure to consult your general practitioner before starting any new supplement or medication.


 diuretic recommended by nutritionist

Written By: Jordana Tobelem RD, LDN

Jordana Tobelem is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist, and founder of Nutrition By Jordana LLC. Jordana uses her knowledge and expertise in the field of dietetics to treat patients with a wide variety of diseases and conditions.


My experience/skills includes: clinical and community nutrition; nutrition counseling; food service; writing meal plans; writing health and wellness blogs/articles; nutrient analysis; menu development, and motivational interviewing. I am passionate about promoting lifestyle changes through nutrition, physical activity, and behavior to create a superior quality of life.