Diabetes And Swollen Feet
Swollen feet and diabetes often come in a painful pair. Diabetes can cause poor circulation, which can lead to swollen feet. Swollen feet are not only painful but can also hinder mobility. People with swollen feet may have difficulty walking and doing daily activities. Even wearing shoes can become a challenge!
Why Does Diabetes Cause Swollen Feet?
Diabetes can contribute to swollen feet in several ways. One, diabetes can cause poor circulation.
Diabetes occurs when insulin isn’t doing its job. Insulin is the “key” to our cell “doors.” In other words, insulin lets sugar or glucose into our cells. When sugar can’t get into our cells, it stays in the blood. High sugar levels from uncontrolled diabetes eventually damage blood vessels, causing poor circulation. Blood is the great transporter. When your blood vessels are damaged, fluid can’t get transported out of certain areas of your body, like the feet. This can cause fluid to build up in places like your feet and ankles.
Moreover, poor circulation can prevent people with diabetes from feeling an injury well. A person may have an inflamed injury and not even know it. Inflammation from an untreated foot injury can cause more fluid to accumulate in the feet.
Diabetes can cause kidney and heart problems as well. Kidney and heart disease can also cause swollen feet.
Diabetes Treatment Options
Managing type 2 diabetes involves eating healthy and exercising. If, needed weight loss can help control blood sugar levels. A doctor may also prescribe diabet4es medications or insulin therapy.
Treating Swollen Feet Caused by Diabetes
You can also significantly reduce swelling caused by diabetes. Below are a few tips and tricks that may help you reduce the swelling in your feet.
- Eat foods high in anti-inflammatories and low in salt
Untreated injuries plus damaged blood vessels can cause inflammation. Inflammation is one major contributor to fluid retention. Fortunately, study after study suggests that anti-inflammatory foods and supplements can help decrease inflammation and swelling (1, 2). One such study also demonstrates that these anti-inflammatory antioxidants can reduce pain associated with arthritic swelling. In this double-blinded, placebo-controlled study, participants with osteoarthritis were given anti-inflammatory antioxidant supplements. The participants taking the supplement showed a significant decrease in pain and disability compared to the placebo group. The placebo group was also then given the opportunity to take the supplements later. The placebo group also saw improvements after taking the antioxidant supplements (3).
Anti-inflammatory foods are foods high in antioxidants and omega-3s. Anti-inflammatory foods include:- Vegetables
- Fruits, especially berries
- Tea, like green tea
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Dark chocolate
- Fresh herbs and spices like turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, garlic, and parsley
- Ultra-processed foods
- Fried foods
- Refined sugar
- Refined Grains (i.e. white bread, chips, crackers, etc.)
Salt can also cause our bodies to hold onto too much fluid. Dietary guidelines recommend that we consume no more than 2,300 mg on average per day. To add flavor without adding salt, try seasoning your food with fresh herbs and spices. Bonus, fresh herbs and spices are also a good source of anti-inflammatory antioxidants!
- Exercise regularly
Obesity can increase swelling and worsen diabetes. Exercise, along with eating a healthy anti-inflammatory diet, promotes weight loss. Losing weight can also help control blood sugar levels. Controlled blood sugar levels can prevent damage to the blood vessels from occurring or worsening. Remember, poor circulation is one cause of swollen feet from diabetes.
Long periods of sitting can increase swelling in the feet and ankles. To prevent swelling caused by sitting too long, regularly get up and move or exercise every hour. Movement and exercise promote blood circulation!
- Elevate your feet
Let gravity help you remove excess water from your feet. When you elevate your feet above your heart, the fluid will flow away from your feet and towards your body. You can elevate your feet by resting your feet on a stack of pillows while you lay or sit on a couch, bed, or comfy chair.
- Try Compression Socks
Compression socks or compression stockings help improve blood circulation. Compression socks help promote blood flow back towards your heart by gently squeezing the legs. In studies, compression socks have been shown to decrease pain and swelling in the feet and ankles (4).
- Ask your Doctor about Doctor-Prescribed Diuretics
Doctors will sometimes prescribe diuretics to help with swelling. Diuretics remove excess fluid from your body. When excess fluid is removed, swelling decreases (5).
- Consider Taking an Anti-Swelling Supplement
Like anti-inflammatory foods, anti-inflammatory supplements can help reduce swollen feet and pain caused by swelling.
You can also find natural diuretic supplements. These natural diuretic supplements can help remove excess fluid from your body.
Supplements that are specifically created to decrease swelling often contain both, natural diuretics and anti-inflammatories. SwellNoMore is the #1 diuretic anti-inflammatory in America! SwellNoMore contains both anti-inflammatories and natural diuretics! Some of the powerhouse anti-inflammatory ingredients found in SwellNoMore are:
Several ingredients in SwellNoMore have anti-inflammatory properties AND diuretic properties!
These ingredients include:
- Boswellia Serrata Extract (11)
- Green Tea Extract (12)
- Parsley (13)
- Juniper Berry (14)
- Dandelion Root (15)
Summary of Swollen Feet and Diabetes
- Diabetes can cause swollen feet
- Poor circulation, kidney problems, and heart problems are some of the causes of swollen feet in people with diabetes.
- Inflammation and excessive fluid retention are major contributors to swelling of the feet and ankles.
- The following tips are helpful when it comes to reducing painful swelling caused by diabetes:
- Eat a healthy diet high in anti-inflammatory foods and low in salt.
- Exercise regularly.
- Move or exercise or move every hour. Sitting too long can increase swelling.
- Try compression socks
- Elevate your feet with pillows when you are sitting down
- If you can’t find relief for your swollen feet, ask your doctor about prescription medications like diuretics.
- Consider trying an anti-swelling supplement like SwellNoMore. SwellNoMore is the #1 diuretic anti-inflammatory in the country!
Written By: Lacy Ngo

*Please schedule an appointment with your doctor if you suffer from chronic edema. Talk with your doctor about any possible interactions your supplements might have with your medications or medical conditions.