Best Foods to Eat to Fight Swelling & Inflammation
Let’s start by going over what inflammation is and why it can lead to swelling. Inflammation is basically your body protecting itself it is part of the immune response. Anytime you are injured your body has an inflammatory response to heal itself. Severe Inflammation can lead to many diseases. There are 5 signs of inflammation: Swelling, Pain, Heat, Redness and Loss of function. Here we are going to focus on swelling and how eating healthy foods daily can help fight inflammation thereby reducing swelling. Click on the link here to learn more about natural oils that help reduce inflammation and swelling .
Top 15 Foods to Eat to Fight Swelling & Inflammation
High in Fiber, Potassium, Choline and Vitamin C which all contribute to heart health. Tomatoes also contain Lycopene (fights cancerous cells), Beta Carotene (good for skin and eyes), Naringenin (reduces inflammation) and Chlorogenic acid which can help lower blood pressure. Tomato smoothie anyone?
2.Greens – Kale, Spinach, Chard
Full of nutrients, strengthens your bones, and fights cancer. Contains a lot of antioxidants which promote skin cell development for healthy skin.
3.Fish – Salmon, Halibut, Cod, Bass, Tuna, Snapper and other fish high in Omega 3’s
Omega 3’s fight inflammation, lots of protein, high in B vitamins that reduce inflammation and repair DNA.
5.Nuts – Walnuts, Almonds, Sunflower Seeds and Hazelnuts
6.Dark Chocolate
7.Green Tea
High in protein, full of nutrients including folate, high in antioxidants and high on the ORAC scale. Good for the heart reduces your risk for coronary heart disease. Also, reduces your risk of cancer, diabetes, inflammation, reduces fatty liver risk, increases healthy bacteria in the stomach.
10.Foods High in Fiber – brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, bulgar and whole wheat flour
11.Herbs- Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Curcumin and Chili Pepper
12.Fruits – Apples, Blueberries, Cherries, Pineapple, Raspberries and Strawberries
13.Olive Oil, Avocado Oil and Grapeseed Oil
Helps prevents stroke, large amounts of antioxidants, strong anti-inflammatory properties, also reduces risk of heart disease, fights Alzheimer’s disease, anticancer properties, lowers risk of type 2 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Lastly has antibacterial properties and are good to keep your skin looking young.
And here are the 5 foods that cause inflammation. So avoid these foods:
1.Processed Meats
Linked with Chronic disease, contains nitrates that increase cancer in stomach and bowel, contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons when bbq’d and has been shown to cause cancer in animals, contain Heterocyclic Amines which cause cancer, high in sodium.
2.Fried Foods
High in calories, high in trans fats increases risk of several diseases including heart disease, diabetes and obesity. May contain Acrylamide which causes cancer.
3.Sugary Drinks / Foods
4.Refined Carbohydrates
Low in nutrients and fiber, can cause obesity and diabetes.
5.Processed Foods
High in sodium, sugars and fats. May contain High fructose corn syrup, contain artificial ingredients ( colorants, preservatives, flavors, etc) often high in refined carbohydrates and high in trans-fat.
Reduce Edema Swelling
Eating healthy should be your top priority if you are struggling with inflammation and/or swelling since there are many foods (above) that can help you naturally fight inflammation and reduce swollen feet, legs and ankles and other types of edema swelling fast. If you want a jump start, try a natural diuretic anti-inflammatory supplement like SwellNoMore. SwellNoMore contains 17 natural ingredients and reduces swelling and inflammation fast, in many cases also decreasing pain as well. Edema swelling can results in feet swelling that can get beyond our control, as with anything if you notice swelling in your feet or swelling anywhere in your body, it is always a good idea to go to the doctors to see what is causing it so you can make sure it isn't anything serious. Many times swelling can be the result of the natural aging process, which is why many elderly people get swollen feet, but it is always good to get it checked out.