Inflammation and Water Retention

One of the most common solutions to swelling and inflammation is to increase water intake. This is because of  dehydration, and the body holding onto the fluids it does have. With an increase of water intake, it can reduce dehydration and the bodies need to retain water for extended periods of time. 

What causes water retention during swelling?

When there is swelling in the body, the body rushes to produce mass amounts of vitamins and nutrients to help the area being affected. Due to this, the body becomes dehydrated relatively quickly and tends to hold onto water in order not to become dehydrated. Unfortunately in some instances even after increasing water intake, water retention does not go away, but becomes worsened by the increase in water intake. This can be very frustrating as the hope for many individuals is to lose the water weight alongside the swelling. 

How do I reduce water retention?

It is recommended by most healthcare professionals that when attempting to reduce water retention, one should attempt to decrease the sodium intake in their diet, increase both their magnesium intake alongside their vitamin B intake, and eat potassium enriched foods. All three of potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6 are in SwellNoMore’s supplement which helps reduce unwanted water retention. With SwellNoMore, the body starts to produce the essential vitamins and minerals it needs which reduces water retention. SwellNoMore promotes natural reproduction that your body will continue to do post taking them, and into the long term. This is beneficial it reduces water retention and allows your body to continue to thrive afterwards.

July 08, 2021 — Chloe Farrell