take to reduce inflammation naturally

What is inflammation?

Inflammation is one of the ways our body protects itself against infections, diseases, and effects of injuries.

As one of the inflammatory responses, our body raises its level of production of cells like the white blood and immune cells, and the cytokines which also help in the fight against infections. One of the major signs of acute or short-term inflammation is; redness, heat, pain, and swelling.

There is also the chronic or long-term inflammation which often occurs without apparent symptoms in the body. This is the type of inflammation which triggers diseases such as diabetes, fatty liver and heart disease, and even cancer.

What causes inflammation?

Some lifestyle factors can cause inflammation, especially those that have become habitual. For instance, consuming large amounts of sugary food or high fructose corn syrup can be particularly harmful. This may lead to the body becoming insulin resistant or develop diabetes and obesity.

Scientists also hypothesized that the consumption of many refined carbohydrates, like the white bread, could contribute to inflammation, resistant to insulin as well as obesity.

Also, processed and packaged foods containing trans-fatty acids are known to also promote inflammation, while damaging the endothelial cells of the arteries. In addition, chronic inflammation may also occur as a result of being stressed or obese.

Foods that fight inflammation:

There are quite a number of food that are anti-inflammatory. An anti-inflammatory diet must have any of these food included in it:

  • Tomatoes 
  • Olive oil.
  • Green leafy vegetables, like spinach, collards, kale, etc.

It should also include nuts such as almonds and walnuts

You must also include fatty or Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, etc.

This diet must include fruits like strawberries, cherries, blueberries, and even citrus (oranges).

Herbs that fight inflammation:

There are also quite a number of herbs that can reduce or protect your body from inflammation. Find a few below;


turmeric to reduce swelling

  1. Turmeric (Curcumin)

The part or anti-inflammatory agent in this turmeric is a yellow pigment which is called the curcumin. In Ayurvedic or Chinese medicines, these (Turmeric and Curcumin) have long been used to reduce inflammation and also treat disorders indigestion, as well as wounds and infections.

green tea reduce swelling

  1. Green tea

The green tea has preventive effects. It helps in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and also cancer. Recently, studies showed that green tea can also be an effective anti-inflammatory agent, especially in treating arthritis.


white willow bark swelling


  1. White willow bark

White willow bark has been used since ancient Egypt and Roman times in the treatment of pain and inflammation. Studies have proved that white willow bark has similar effects to aspirin, however, unlike aspirin, it has fewer side effects.


pineapple reduce swelling

  1. Bromelain

Found in pineapple, is a potent anti-inflammatory which helps reduce swelling by acting on the tissues, cells and pathways that lead to inflammation. Bromelain also helps reduce swelling in other conditions such as sinusitis, inflammation of the nasal passages, swollen eyes and asthma.


Quercetin reduce swelling

  1. Quercitin

Inhibits the release of histamines and is commonly used to relieve allergies, asthma, hay fever and hives, high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. Quercetin is also used to increase endurance and improve athletic performance. Excessive consumption may cause headache and should not be used while pregnant.

black pepper reduce swelling

  1. Piperine

As a constituent of Black Pepper, Piperine induces anti-inflammatory changes at the cellular level and is often used as a remedy for arthritis.


Cherries reduce swelling

  1. Rutin

A powerful flavonoid which strengthens blood vessels and reduces inflammation. Flavonoids are also often used to treat osteoarthritis and cardiovascular disorders.


  1. SwellNoMore is an OTC supplement that helps to reduce inflammation as it contains natural diuretic and anti-inflammatory ingredients. Swell No More also helps to reduce swelling and fluid retention of the entire body.


  1. what can you take to reduce swelling

SwellNoMore contains 5 of these anti-inflammatories and can many times reduce the inflammation as well as the swelling. It also has 12 natural diuretics to help release built up fluids that can result in swelling. SwellNoMore.com


Others are Maritime pine bark, Chili pepper, frankincense, etc.

Where inflammation can occur

Inflammation can occur anywhere in the body. Including the Legs, the Feet, the Ankles, the Eyes,  Gut, Nasal passageways, Joints and muscles, Lymph nodes, etc.

Side effects of inflammation

Inflammation is usually accompanied by 5 signs.

  • redness
  • increased heat
  • swelling
  • pain
  • loss of function

Of course, there are other effects of inflammation. While some forms of inflammation may not present a direct symptom, here are a few more ways to know. Long-term inflammation leads to conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and metabolic disorders and more so it is important to reduce your stress levels as soon as possible. 

  1. You have stomach or abdominal pain and heartburn
  2. You notice stomach ulcers.
  3. You tend to bleed more, especially when you take aspirin.
  4. You suffer dizziness and Headache
  5. There is ringing in your ears.
  6. You notice allergic reactions like rashes, throat swelling or wheezing.
  7. You have Liver or kidney problems, or high blood pressure, Etc.

How can you tell if you have inflammation?

Some signs might include:

  1. There is an increase in your blood sugar levels.
  2. You notice digestive problems such as diarrhea, swelling, gas or even constipation.
  3. You find yourself always tired.
  4. You have skin problems like eczema allergies, puffy face or puffy bags under your eyes. 

 Ways To Reduce Your Stress Levels include:

  • Yoga
  • Breathing techniques
  • Meditation
  • Positive thoughts
  • Words of affirmation 
  • Reading
  • Walking
  • Exercise
  • Helping others
  • Writing
  • Coloring mandalas
  • Hot Tea
  • Stretching

To learn more about other foods that can reduce inflammation read this Anti Inflammatory Diet reduces swelling and inflammation.