Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

This anti-inflammatory smoothie is one of those impactful steps you can take to combat inflammation. It’s easy to make and, of course, super tasty. Each smoothie ingredient was carefully selected....Extensive research shows that polyphenols prevent damaging free radicals from forming in the body (8, 9). Polyphenols also prevent proinflammatory cytokine formation (9).

Water Retention - Common Causes and Conditions

Water Retention - Common Causes and Conditions

Did you know that the human body is made up of about 70% water? But, if your body is retaining excess water or fluid, it can result in uncomfortable symptoms or be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Fluid retention and bloating can be caused by a number of reasons. It has been found that 11% of the United States population reports frequent bloating, which can cause feelings of fatigue and swelling around the body....