Is Pineapple a Diuretic?

Is Pineapple a Diuretic?

A diuretic is a substance that increases urine output. When our bodies hold onto excess water, swelling and puffiness of the arms, legs, hands, feet, face, and abdomen can occur. Diuretics can help reduce the swelling caused by water retention. Causes of swelling and water retention include stress, standing... 
Printable List of Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Printable List of Anti-Inflammatory Foods

You may have heard that foods rich in antioxidants are anti-inflammatory and foods like refined carbohydrates, sugar, fried foods, and trans fat foods are pro-inflammatory. Yet this general information...
Water Retention - Common Causes and Conditions

Water Retention - Common Causes and Conditions

Did you know that the human body is made up of about 70% water? But, if your body is retaining excess water or fluid, it can result in uncomfortable symptoms or be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Fluid retention and bloating can be caused by a number of reasons. It has been found that 11% of the United States population reports frequent bloating, which can cause feelings of fatigue and swelling around the body....
Is Green Tea a Diuretic?

Is Green Tea a Diuretic?

Green tea is a popular tea known for its earthy flavor, calming properties, and health benefits, but is green tea considered a diuretic? The short answer is…yes, green tea is a mild diuretic. Green tea contains small amounts of both caffeine and theophylline. Theophylline has a similar chemical structure as caffeine and acts as a diuretic in a similar way. A diuretic is a substance that helps your body get rid of excess fluid..
Food and Its Impact On The Body

Food and Its Impact On The Body

Healthy eating is something that impacts everyone, and something most individuals in this modern day and age can improve upon. Eating healthy can often be more difficult than individuals realize, and often leave individuals turned away from wanting to attempt to eat healthy again after a couple of tries...

Puffiness - What causes it?

Puffiness - What causes it?

As many individuals tend to notice with age, they start to develop puffiness in certain aspects of their body. It is most commonly noticed on the face, especially under and around the eyes. Puffiness is nothing to be concerned about and or insecure about. 
Arthritis: Cause and Relief 

Arthritis: Cause and Relief 

Arthritis is a common suffrage among the population every year, both young and old. With the most common belief that arthritis comes from old age, and that everyone is potentially at risk for arthritis. Although the assumption about everyone being at risk is correct, old age may not always be the causation for arthritis. 
Arthritis and Joint Inflammation

Arthritis and Joint Inflammation

Arthritis and joint inflammation are two very painful and frustrating conditions that impact not only older people, but young people as well. This can be very debilitating in individuals, especially younger individuals as it impacts almost every aspect of life and can make it much harder to do simple tasks required to function in everyday life. 
Inflammation and Water Retention

Inflammation and Water Retention

One of the most common solutions to swelling and inflammation is to increase water intake. This is because of  dehydration, and the body holding onto the fluids it does have. With an increase of water intake, it can reduce dehydration and the bodies need to retain water for extended periods of time. 
Managing Swelling After Surgery

Managing Swelling After Surgery

Swelling post surgery occurs for a number of reasons. Swelling is the automatic response to injury, as a rush of cells and nutrients go to the area to start repairing it. This is referred to by doctors as the inflammatory phase
Natural Water Pill - Reviews

Natural Water Pill - Reviews

So, what is a natural water pill and why is it so important as it relates to edema? You would think that the last thing you want if you are suffering from edema is a water pill, since it sounds like it contains water, but it actually helps to eliminate extra fluid from your body. Fluid that can cause swelling, stretching,  breaking of the skin and irritation. Water Pills can be...
swell no more top monthly stories about swelling

Top Monthly Stories About Swelling

So what to expect? You probably guessed it. Everyone is different. For people whose swelling is not caused by a serious underlying medical condition, swelling can go away quickly on its own with a little movement, for other people the swelling will be harder to get rid of. Some people will give up and the swelling will never go away. The best thing you can do, is to keep tryi